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Good Manners in Islam

Why is it Important to Have Good Manners? The Prophet ﷺ said, "Nothing will be heavier on the Day of Resurrection in the Scale of the believer than good manners. Allah hates one who utters foul or coarse language." (At-Tirmidhi) Good manners and sense of morality can prevent us from falling into sins. Manners are important to fulfill in our faith and also in social life. It is the basis of one’s success in his daily life Respect The Prophet ﷺ guides us towards respecting guests and being generous towards them.  Among the best characteristics of a Muslim is to speak only the words of kindness Be kind to those who are young and respect those who are old/elder! Obedience No one does more for you than your parents so they deserve great love, thanks, and respect. They are the ones who bear tiredness and difficulty for the sake of us! Cleanliness Cleanliness and Hygiene are very important in Islam. The Prophet ﷺ urged that we wear clean clothes, and have a pure heart and mind. The ...
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The Great Companions of the Prophet ﷺ

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Miracles of Hazrat Esa (AS)

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Signs of Prophets

Here are some signs of Prophets present today: Pyramids   “And Pharaoh said, "O eminent ones, I have not known you to have a god other than me. Then ignite for me, O Haman, [a fire] upon the clay and make for me a tower that I may look at the God of Moses. And indeed, I do think he is among the liars."” (Quran 28:38) The Quran predicted the formation of the Pyramids in Egypt, and the fact they still exist signifies the existence of Prophets Preservation of Pharaoh’s Body The preservation of the Pharaoh’s body is a sign for the disbelievers due to the story of Moses (Musa) AS and the splitting of the sea The Pharaoh mentioned in the Quran is a strict disbeliever and had no faith or belief in Allah (SWT) Once Musa (AS) split the sea to save the Israelites (a group of people who were being tortured under the Pharaoh’s rule), the Pharaoh followed but was too late and drowned once the sea closed up again Right before he died, he proclaimed his belief in Allah however it was reje...

Avengers vs. Messengers!

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Role of Women in Islam

Importance of a Muslim Girl: When a Muslim girl is born, she becomes a reason for her parents to enter paradise When a Muslim girl becomes a wife, she completes half of her husband’s Deen When a Muslim girl becomes a mother, paradise is beneath her feet In Islam, we always talk about Prophets or companions who dedicated their entire lives to Islam and spreading Allah’s message. But what about their wives and daughters? We should also look into women’s lives of that time period. Women gave the same amount of contribution to Islam as Men did. These women are role models for young girls. They were the most pious and pure women. Allah loved them and rewarded them with Jannah (Heaven) The Greatest Muslim Women: Hazrat Khadija (RA) - Wife of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ  Hazrat Fatimah (RA) - Daughter of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ + Khadija (RA)  Hazrat Aisha (RA) - Wife of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ who recorded the most amount of Hadith we read today! Hazrat Asiya (RA) - Pharaoh's Wife who took care of Pro...

The Five Pillars of Islam

5 Pillars: Shahada (Declaration of one’s faith, or Tawheed) Salah (Prayer) Zakat (Charity) Fasting/Sawm (Ramadan) Hajj (Pilgrimage) What Do These Pillars Define? The Five pillars of Islam are the framework of a Muslim’s life  They are the basic norms of Islamic practice  They define the most important practices which need to be part of a Muslim’s life Shahada (Faith) The statement of faith that a Muslim commits to, which is: “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad ﷺ is His Messenger” This statement or Shahada is extremely important because it is the fundamental belief of Islam It sets Muslims apart from other faiths If one does not have strong belief in shahada, their faith is incomplete Salah (Prayer) Five obligatory prayers through which Muslims build a connection with Allah It is performed five times a day facing the direction of the Kaaba. Salah reminds Muslims to keep close to Allah and makes our faith stronger Salah is not only a way to make our faith stronger but to al...

The Creation of Adam & Eve

The Story of How We Came to Be: Millions of years ago, there was no human race. Only angels and the finest of all creatures  Then Allah had created the seven heavens and the earth and the like of them  After Allah created everything, he began the creation of man from dust (Adam (AS)). All of the angels obeyed, all of them except one--Iblis (Satan) Because of his disobedience, Allah drove Iblis away from the other angels and called him the devil.  Allah then created Eve saying, " O Adam! Dwell you and your wife in the garden, so eat from where you desire, but do not go near this tree for then you will be unjust"  They ate from the tree, and their evil inclinations began to manifest them Adam and Eve were then banished into the real world (earth) We are the descendants of Adam (AS) and Eve (Hawa) once they were sent to earth 


Introduction to Angels  Angels are nobel beings that Allah (SWT) created out of light.They were created before human beings with only one sole purpose, to worship Allah  Angels never disobey Allah because they are free from desires and free will   They were created to carry out various tasks Allah has given them and for communicating with humans  Belief in Angels is a strong part of our faith  Allah has also created Angels for our protection. There are certain prayers for protection in which Allah sends thousands of Angels just to protect us Different Tasks of Angels of Islam  From the Quran and other sources of Islamic Knowledge, we know that angels have many different types and tasks, some of which are:   Angels who fight on the side of Islam on the battlefield  Those who distribute Allah's blessings (rain,provisions) by Allah's command  The billions of angels charged with each existing thing and keep order and ward off corruption...


What is Sunnah?  Sunnah is a term used to refer to the practices and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ  It is the second source of Islamic knowledge for us, the first being the Quran   While the Quran gives us knowledge on what/how to follow Islam, the Prophet ﷺ is a role model for how to perform the practices (like prayer/salat) correctly & properly  Why is Sunnah Important?  Sunnah is a major source of Islamic law and is very important in our daily lives since it tells us how to live our lives according to Islam  It is the way the Prophet ﷺ acted, prayed, slept, etc. (his way of life)  Therefore, we should try and mimic his lifestyle as much as possible to live happily and blessed :) Prophet Muhammad ﷺ's Sunnah: Here are some examples of Sunnah: Sadqah (voluntary charity) Trimming of the nails Good table manners Soft talking in a conversation Voluntary prayers and fasting Smiling sincerely Putting out the ligh...