Why is it Important to Have Good Manners?
The Prophet ﷺ said, "Nothing will be heavier on the Day of Resurrection in the Scale of the believer than good manners. Allah hates one who utters foul or coarse language." (At-Tirmidhi)
- Good manners and sense of morality can prevent us from falling into sins.
- Manners are important to fulfill in our faith and also in social life.
- It is the basis of one’s success in his daily life
- The Prophet ﷺ guides us towards respecting guests and being generous towards them.
- Among the best characteristics of a Muslim is to speak only the words of kindness
- Be kind to those who are young and respect those who are old/elder!
No one does more for you than your parents so they deserve great love, thanks, and respect. They are the ones who bear tiredness and difficulty for the sake of us!
- Cleanliness and Hygiene are very important in Islam. The Prophet ﷺ urged that we wear clean clothes, and have a pure heart and mind. The Prophet ﷺ said “Cleanliness is half the Imaan” (Sahih Muslim)
- It is why we do Wudu before Salah, and even if we don’t have access to water, we’re supposed to do Tayammum, which is when you use sand or dust to purify instead of water
If you forgive others, Allah will forgive you! When someone mistreats you, don’t seek revenge, but practice kindness and forgiveness, then Allah will show mercy to you!
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