The Story of How We Came to Be:
- Millions of years ago, there was no human race. Only angels and the finest of all creatures
- Then Allah had created the seven heavens and the earth and the like of them
- After Allah created everything, he began the creation of man from dust (Adam (AS)). All of the angels obeyed, all of them except one--Iblis (Satan)
- Because of his disobedience, Allah drove Iblis away from the other angels and called him the devil.
- Allah then created Eve saying, " O Adam! Dwell you and your wife in the garden, so eat from where you desire, but do not go near this tree for then you will be unjust"
- They ate from the tree, and their evil inclinations began to manifest them
- Adam and Eve were then banished into the real world (earth)
- We are the descendants of Adam (AS) and Eve (Hawa) once they were sent to earth
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