Introduction to Angels
- Angels are nobel beings that Allah (SWT) created out of light.They were created before human beings with only one sole purpose, to worship Allah
- Angels never disobey Allah because they are free from desires and free will
- They were created to carry out various tasks Allah has given them and for communicating with humans
- Belief in Angels is a strong part of our faith
- Allah has also created Angels for our protection. There are certain prayers for protection in which Allah sends thousands of Angels just to protect us
Different Tasks of Angels of Islam
- From the Quran and other sources of Islamic Knowledge, we know that angels have many different types and tasks, some of which are:
- Angels who fight on the side of Islam on the battlefield
- Those who distribute Allah's blessings (rain,provisions) by Allah's command
- The billions of angels charged with each existing thing and keep order and ward off corruption, as a sort of counterbalance to Satan
Differences between Angels and Humans
- Angels are very different from mankind
- Allah created us for a different purpose than the Angels, so it stands to reason that they aren't similar at all
- Angels are strictly without a free will. Meaning they will do anything Allah tells them too without own conscience or thoughts; and they are physically unable of disobeying him They have no need for sleep, or any of the earthly needs that we have
- They worship Allah and glorify him whenever they aren't performing Allah's function, they don’t have children, wives, mothers, don't age, are immortal and don’t have a definite shape that we can see
- They are strictly one hundred percent otherworldly, heavenly beings, noble and special to Allah. They are attributed as having wings, ('...Praise be to Allah, who has created the Heavens and The Earth, who made the angels, messengers with wings'), [ranging from 2 to hundreds of thousands,] are described as intensely beautiful
Angels of Islam:
- Gabriel (Jibreel)
- Angel Gabriel or Jibril is considered the most important angels in Islam. In the Quran, he is called “Jibril” or Holy spirit
- Angel Jibreel (AS)’s main responsibility is to communicate the words of Allah to His Prophets
- He is responsible for bringing revelations such as the Quran and the Bible
- He would share revelations by taking form or shape of a man and would share the revelation by voice only
- Michael (Mikial)
- Angel Mikail is an archangel (high ranked angel)
- He is in charge of giving sustenance such as food, rain, and that which is good for Human beings
- He asks Allah to forgive people’s sins thus he is known as the Angel of Mercy
- Raphael (Israfil)
- He is of the four 'archangels' or angels with a higher ranking
- He is responsible for blowing the Trumpet (Soor) to signify Day of Judgment which will give life to the deceased through the will of Allah
- The sound of the trumpet will be so strong that our eardrums will burst!
- Azrael (Izraeel)
- Izraeel is the Angel of death. He who removes the soul from bodies and retrieves the spirit when it is a person's time to die. He appears to every single person at the end of his/her lifetime
- Munkar/Nakeer
- Munkar and Nakeer are responsible for recording our good deeds and bad deeds. The angel on the right records our good deeds and the angel on the left records our bad deeds
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