Who were Companions?
- Companions of the Prophet ﷺ also known as the “Sahabah” were followers of Prophet Muhammad who had personal contact with him
- Some included his family members or people the Prophet met through his life who accepted Islam as their religion
Roles of Companions:
- Companions were everyday normal people just like you and me. They had jobs, families and duties within their tribes which they performed daily
- Most companions were merchants, shepherds, or businessmen and women. Some were even slaves or servants
- The extremely wealthy companions in today’s world would be known as millionaires!
Importance of Companions:
- We learn that companions were among the first people to accept Islam
- They spend their entire lives helping the Prophet spread Allah’s message and sacrificed their everyday lives
- Some even spend their entire wealth helping the Prophet during times such as battles when supplies or food were needed
- They could have lived the most lavish life, but they chose to spend their money on the greatest cause which is guiding people to the right path
- Companions are known for recording thousands of Hadith because they spend most of their time with Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
- Hadith is the compilation of the manners, sayings and approvals of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
- They have also compiled the Quran after the death of the Prophet. Thanks to them, we now have the Quran in a compiled book
- After the death of the Prophet, an Islamic state was formed and was under control various Caliphs
- There were four caliphs whom were companions of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and were the most pious and justified leaders
A Few Prominent Companions:
Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) – Caliph and Father in law of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
Hazrat Bilal (RA) – Made the very first call to prayer (had the sweetest and most melodious voice)
Hazrat Salman Al Farsi (RA) – Smartest companion of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
Hazrat Hamza (RA) – Beloved Uncle of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
Hazrat Omar (RA) – Caliph
Hazrat Ali (RA) – Cousin and Son in law to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
....and Many more!
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