Hazrat Esa (AS):
- Prophet Esa (AS) was a very special Prophet and Messenger who was given miracles by Allah
- He was given the miracle to speak when he was only a baby, giving life to the dead, healing the blind and ones who were infected with leprosy
Purpose of Miracles:
- Most prophets were given miracles to prove the existence of Allah and to disprove the disbelievers of accusations against their prophets
- We must remember that miracles were not superpowers of the prophets, they were given by Allah to them and were only performed by His will
Quranic Verses:
- “A man attested to you by God with miracles and wonders and signs which God performed through him in your midst.” (Quran 2:22)
- “I bring to life the dead, by the permission of God.” (Quran 3:49)
- “I create for you out of clay the likeness of a bird, then I breathe into it and it becomes a bird with God’s permission.” (Quran 3:49)
Why these miracles?
- Prophet Esa (AS) and the Bible preaches about compassion. By giving Prophet Esa (AS) the miracles of bringing dead to life, it shows how Allah is compassionate towards His living creatures
- Allah has the power to bring life into the creatures He has created and that expresses extreme compassion because even life itself is a gift from Allah
- Other than compassion, these miracles show Humans that Allah has the power to bring life or to destroy it
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